Tower Park

Adjacent to Village Hall, Tower Park was built in 1968. It was totally renovated in 2003 with a large water fountain and a 44’ pavilion for community events to compliment the tower. Riding the exterior glass elevator 200 feet above Peoria Heights and the Illinois River Valley gives one a panoramic view of the entire area. On a clear day you can see for 20 miles. Along with its 200’ Observation Tower, the park possesses a beautiful water fountain, children's playground, pavilion, multiple tables for enjoying a lunch, and a bronze monument of Abraham Lincoln designed by Gutzon Borglum (designer of Mt. Rushmore) that is identical to two other sculptures, one in front of Lincoln's Tomb in Springfield, Illinois, and the other in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda at Washington, D.C.


Forest Park Nature Center

Do you enjoy bird watching or hiking? Forest Park Nature Center is for you! Forest Park Nature Center offers seven miles of trails for hiking and nature enjoyment and is home to a gift shop that carries bird feeding and hiking necessities. Interested in learning more about nature and all that it entails? Forest Park Nature Center has classes for adults and children alike, covering topics from bats to bugs and everything in between. Guided hiking tours are also available.


Grandview Drive

Grandview Drive is a two and a half mile scenic road with adjacent park areas through Peoria and Peoria Heights, Illinois. Major portions of the road give a view of the Illinois River and its valley as well as clear views of some of the most prestigious and historic homes in the area.