Mapleton’s Top Schools

  • Your first step is to narrow down your search by school district ranking. Its rating system includes common indicators of higher- versus lower-ranking schools such as college enrollment rates, academic rigor, and support for low-income. You may also wish to broaden your criteria with other metrics such as class and district size, recess time, and even the quality of the local pre-kindergarten schools in your desired areas. And of course, nothing beats an onsite visit for a real gut-check to determine what’s best for your child.

  • It may come as a surprise that property taxes in schools with high rankings aren't always greater. Property taxes are levied in most states, although how much varies considerably from state to state and even county to county. Local government funding is primarily derived from tax revenue, however the manner in which it is apportioned (whether for services or school districts)

    Large businesses and highly-valued properties share the burden of educating children over a wide tax base in metropolitan areas. In contrast, school costs may be higher in more rural or outlying suburban regions with fewer corporate taxpayers


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Illini Bluffs Elementary School (Pre-K-5)

We teach a curriculum tied to the Common Core State Standards in a self-contained classroom setting. Teachers differentiate instruction for the needs of all learners and we offer RtI interventions, special education instruction and services such as speech and language, occupational therapy and physical therapy for students who qualify for extra support. IBES has a very active PTO and offers a variety of family and community activities.

Website: Illini Bluffs Elementary School

Phone: (309) 389-5025

Elementary Schools


Illini Bluffs Elementary School (Pre-K-5)

We teach a curriculum tied to the Common Core State Standards in a self-contained classroom setting. Teachers differentiate instruction for the needs of all learners and we offer RtI interventions, special education instruction and services such as speech and language, occupational therapy and physical therapy for students who qualify for extra support. IBES has a very active PTO and offers a variety of family and community activities.

Website: Illini Bluffs Elementary School

Phone: (309) 389-5025

Middle Schools


Illini Bluffs Middle School (6-8)

IBMS offers many opportunities for students to participate in after school activities. Students may participate in:Girls' Softball, Girls' Basketball, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Dance Team, Fine Arts/ Speech, Scholastic Bowl, Art Club, Boys' Baseball, Boys' Basketball, Wrestling, Track, Chess Club, Student Council, Science Club and Junior National Honor Society. Illini Bluffs Middle School houses 180 students in grades 6-8. IBMS has 16 certified teachers and support staff. We are on a BLOCK SCHEDULE which means we have A days and B days. Students in all grades will have math and language arts every day. Middle School students also have BLOCK classes in the afternoon. AFTERNOON BLOCK CLASSES are different according to grade levels and students rotate these classes each quarter.

Website: Illini Bluffs Middle School

Phone: (309) 389-3451

High Schools


Illini Bluffs High School

Illini Bluffs High School is a team of education professionals intensely allied in our shared responsibility for student learning and achievement. At IBHS, we will endeavor to ensure each individual is excited to be here each day, is deeply valued while here each day, and leaves richly fulfilled each day. Illini Bluffs High School is, and will continue to be, a great place for students to prepare for a bright future. As a professional learning community that is deeply committed to continuous school improvement, Illini Bluffs High School Staff are diligent in their pursuit of best and current practices. Our extensive curriculum offers courses including college preparatory and general education, as well as technology preparation courses. Additionally, IBHS offers a full inclusion program for those students with special needs. The various Tiger extracurricular groups represent IBHS well, as students participate in activities such as drama, student council, scholastic bowl and speech and our athletic teams and music groups have attained consistent success augmenting Illini Bluffs High School’s reputation for strong academic, music, and athletic programs.

Website: Illini Bluffs High School

Phone: (309) 389-5681