Today we’re joined by two of the newer buyer specialists on our team, Alex Rumer and Michelle Tribe, to ask them an important question: What’s the one thing that has surprised them the most about real estate?

For Michelle, one of the most beneficial things she’s learned about and continued to improve upon is the list of daily activities and tasks that come with developing a successful real estate business. As she states, agents on our team are provided with intensive training and the tools necessary to understand these daily tasks.

For Alex, the most surprising thing is embracing the lifestyle that comes with being a real estate agent. In his words, we agents never stop working—we make ourselves available at all times and we schedule our days around the business. We’re always looking forward and planning ahead because we really need to. Because of that, he also says it’s important to take time to split yourself away from work if you need to while still scheduling to be a successful agent.


There’s a fine balance between working enough
so that you have plenty of business but also
making sure you have time to live your life.


For agents, there’s a fine balance between working enough so that you have plenty of business but also making sure you have time to live your life.

If you’re newly licensed and you’re struggling to launch your real estate career or you’re thinking of getting into the business and you want more information about how joining a team might be a good fit for you, give us a call or message us on our website. We’d love to speak with you.